New York Exhibition
Embracing human intelligence

© Elie Kupsc

  • Dérivé de ma collection Plagialphabet, Embracing Human intelligence explore l’ethique de l’art génératif

    · Lieux: Broadway - Timesquare NYC

    · Support: Ecran géant incurvé

    · Date: 1-7 Avril 2024

  • Art Innovation Gallery

  • · Plagialphabet →

This artwork delves into the ethical dimensions of generative art through a unique visual alphabet. Meticulously crafted from A to Z by human effort alone, it stands as a testament to the intricacies of manual creation in an age dominated by technological advancements. The concept behind this project was to manually replicate the efficiency of a generative AI text-to-image/video prompt, which typically takes mere seconds to generate, entirely through non generative means.

Beginning with a painstaking research process involving over 2000 images and engravings sourced from the public domain, each element is carefully selected and integrated into the composition. These components are then meticulously arranged, cut, and reconfigured within typographic characters, evoking questions surrounding authenticity and artistic integrity in a society driven by constant consumption and instant gratification. To create a 3 seconds video, this project totalling 30 different typographical characters like the standard 30 images per second, each frame required laborious crafting to ensure coherence, sense and visual impact.

The deliberate contrast between hundreds hours dedicated to manual creation and the swift capabilities of artificial intelligence invites profound contemplation on the intrinsic value of art. In an era where digital creation can occur in the blink of an eye, "Plagialphabet - Embracing Human Intelligence" challenges our perceptions of artistic endeavor, urging us to reevaluate the profound significance of creativity in our modern world.


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